3 research outputs found

    Differencial Evolution and Its Application

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    Import 05/08/2014Cílem této diplomové práce je naimplementovat algoritmus diferenciální evoluce, na kterém jsou využity pseudonáhodné a chaotické generátory čísel. Poté analyzovat jednotlivé generátory v sadě experimentů.The thesis aims to implementation of differential evolution, using both standard and chaotic pseudo-random number generators. In another part of the thesis generators were tested by a set of experiments.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Individual Professional Practice in the Company

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    Import 03/08/2012Tato práce se týká bakalářské praxe, kterou jsem vykonal ve firmě U&Sluno a.s. na pozici specialista helpdesku. Obsah je zaměřený na popis řešených úkolů a jejich řešení. U každého úkolu je teoretický rozbor dané problematiky. Práce dále obsahuje souhrn zkušeností, které jsem na praxi získal. V závěru jsou popsány dosažené výsledky a hodnocení vykonané praxe.The thesis aims on description of my practice in U&Sluno a.s. where I was assigned to a position of Helpdesk Specialist. The thesis contains a summary of the tasks I was dealing with. There’s a section devoted to each of the tasks containing a brief introduction and a description of my solution. The last part of the thesis concludes my achievements and subjective evaluation of the practice.}460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Attributing the drivers of runoff decline in the Thaya river basin

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    Study Region: : The Thaya river basin provides multiple water uses in the transboundary region of Lower Austria and Southern Moravia. Due to the low precipitation (P) to reference evapotranspiration (ETo) ratio, the Thaya river basin is among the most sensitive to climate change in the region. Study Focus: : The main objective is to understand the changes in the water balance variables including actual evapotranspiration (ET), P and runoff (RO) and their drivers for the period 1981–2020, and 2001–2020 in the case of using remote sensing data. New Hydrological Insights for the Region: : The analyses confirm previously reported increasing trends in air temperature, ETo, and no trends in P. ET consistently increased during spring and decreased during summer, although insignificantly. This change was associated with a significant increase of spring vegetation development followed by summer stagnation. The spring RO shows significantly decreasing trends, especially in the upland water source areas. The correlation analysis reveals a different behavior along the altitude gradient, with ET in the uplands generally limited by available energy whilst in the lowlands by available water in spring. In summer, however, the entire basin is often water-limited, with a more pronounced limitation in the lowlands. Complex adaption measures reflecting the different hydroclimate relations across the altitudinal gradient are needed to sustain the water dependent sectors operating in the region facing increasing aridity